Secret of the elite class revealed

Monday 18 April 2016

4 Ways To Ignite Your Passion By Lewis Howes

Have you ever heard the saying “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life?” It’s a secret that people who are passionate about their work have come to understand.

Many struggle to know what it is they are truly passionate about, let alone how to make an income doing it.  

Unfortunately, passion isn’t something we traditionally see in the everyday office workplace. Individuality is discouraged in most corporate environments. People who are especially “eccentric” tend to wither in that world and eventually fade out.

But what if eccentric is just another way to say “being yourself”? Because we all have little eccentricities, somewhere, and we exude the most fun and passion when we let our freak flag fly. In eccentricity often lies innovation, vision and creativity -- all things that are incredibly valuable.

At some point in elementary school it becomes no longer “cool” to show too much excitement. The kids who maintain their exuberance beyond the age of 8 or so tend to be ostracized and shunned. At such an early age we internalize that our passion needs to be watered down so we can fit in.

In today’s ever changing job market, it is actually imperative that you stand out -- not fit in. This is why your passion, if it has died out,  must be reignited. So that you can be outstanding.

Here is where the work begins. First let’s address how you can relocate your passion if you have lost it.

1. Remember what you used to love.

As we grow up we tend to forget what we lost ourselves in as kids. What were the things that lit you up and you could spend hours immersed in? For me, one of those things was basketball. Maybe you loved climbing trees or making up songs or playing video games with your friends. Maybe it was art or music or writing stories in your bedroom.

Try to remember what it was that made you happiest. If childhood doesn’t offer any answers, try digging into the most recent memory of your happiest moments. Name that thing that you love.

2. Do what you love consistently.

This is important. Especially if it has been a long time. You owe it to yourself and to the world to bring your passion back into your life.

Start with one day a week. Maybe a dance class, or get back to the gym for a pickup game.See how it feels. See how you shift. Take that passion with you into the next day and see how you can bring it into the world by sharing the good with others.

Maybe you smile more. Maybe your work is more creative.

3. Don’t wait for it, create it.

Passion comes from within. That’s why it can be so elusive, because we start waiting for the world to bring passion to us rather than cultivating it ourselves.

We are passive, waiting to be entertained. We seem to have forgotten that we are the ones who are in charge of hosting the parties and creating experiences in our lives. Unless you bring something to the table, who would want to invite you to theirs?

So by doing what you are passionate about consistently, you will remember how to exercise your passion muscles.

4. Get outside the comfort zone.

Maybe you don’t have the ability to do the things you once loved due to injury or other limitations. This doesn’t mean you give up on passion, it means you get to start exploring. You really never know what activities or pursuits may captivate you once you engage in them.

Ultimately, it is up to you to generate the passion that will inspire others and the world. When you master that, you will see your self worth increase and therefore your net worth.

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