Secret of the elite class revealed

Thursday 10 March 2016

8 Ways To Create Maximum Achievement

In this world, we have an abundance of opportunities that can give you the wealth, joy and satisfaction that you've been looking for. If you're looking to create the life of your dreams, you must be willing to do what most people aren't willing to do.

After hearing hundreds of personal stories this year, I've realized that there are many people who haven't  created the lifestyle of their choice. Many of them have the potential to make it happen, but they protect themselves with useless and unnecessary excuses. They want a glamorous lifestyle, but they are unwilling to pay the price.

Whatever your ideal lifestyle is, you can make it happen. Many have agreed that a life of happiness is all we want. It's true. Here are the 10 ways to create the life of your dreams:
1. Do What You Are Passionate About.
No matter who you are, the work you love is out there for you. If you're still looking for your passion, ask yourself "What would I be willing to do without payment for 6 months?" Your answer will astound you. If you know what it is, then do it well and find a way to make it your career.As long as you are still doing what you are doing because you want to heck out a living , am sorry to tell you that you will struggle for the rest of your life. You must be committed to what you do, not just because of the pay check but because of the inner joy and satisfaction you derive from doing it.
2. Define Your Future

Your ideal lifestyle is in direct proportion to the vision that you have of yourself in the future. Do you want a better lifestyle? You have to view it before you do it! What kind of vision do you have of your future? What are you willing to do today to make tomorrow a better day?

Many lifestyles have been built because of frustrations of the past. When Donald Trump was growing up, he was agonized by the way his father's style of business. His father was a fastidious man, but he was letting big real estate deals slip through the cracks (no pun intended). Because of this, Donald saw that he would not make his father's mistakes.
If you can see it, you can be it!
3. Persist Until You Succeed

Life is a test of patience. Everything we do requires patience. Some of our deepest desires will come as a result of our patience. Moreover, it's not always easy to wait. Oftentimes, we see others who seem to be getting results faster than we are. However, we should never compare our results to others.

What's been created for you will eventually come to you. Never worry about tomorrow or next year, but do what must be done today. If you have a clear vision of what will happen, stay encouraged and keep your faith. Without faith, nothing is possible. With faith, all things are possible. Believe in your dream and persist until you succeed.

Related: 8 Ways Practicing Patience Radically Increases Your Capacity for Success
4. An Expression Of Love

Love is the greatest motivational force on Earth. Nothing can happen without the power of love. Everyone is connected by love and no one can live without it. Think about the people you love in your life. Do you realize how much they impact you? Do you realize how much you impact them?

The only way to know is to think about how your funeral would look. Imagine hearing your eulogy and seeing all the people that would attend your ceremony. It's more than you would think! If you take this perspective and live every day as if it mattered, you'd live your life as if you'd have everything to gain and nothing to lose!
5. Stay humble.

Being humble is one of the greatest virtues of creating an ideal lifestyle. A life of humility means that you're connected to who you are, what you're about, and where you're going. By doing this, you'll always be able to show others that you care about their feelings.

However, humility is NOT modesty. Many people reject generous favors because they think that they are too undeserving. Humble people know how to receive just as much as they know how to give. In fact, the only way you can give is by receiving. Those who are humble know how to both give and receive.

Those who honor themselves will be humbled. Those who humble themselves will be honored.
6. Speak Up: Don't Be Intimidated
There are many times where we need to speak up. Many of us are belittled when we know we should speak out on our feelings. We need to articulate our thoughts and make sure our voice is heard. Without speaking up, we can resort to anger and pain, which deteriorates our peace of mind.

The next time you find yourself in a dilemma with another person, speak up. Without being rude, tactfully let this person know that you deserve respect. Sharing your thoughts and feelings will allow them to change their behaviors. Say what you believe and believe in what you say. Let your words make an impact.

Related: Why You Should Make Time to Speak Up for Your Business

7.  Don't Be Afraid To Ask For Help

Your life would be so much easier if you asked people for help. Some weeks back,  a corporate executive was made the CEO of his company .  His promotion wasn't his competency, but it was in his ability to ask his team for help. Asking his people for help changed his life.

What are you doing today that could be done by others? If you're missing the mark in any area of your life, it's probably because you haven't been asking for any help. It's time to face the truth and ask those around you for some favors. You'll find that they'll be willing to help you more than you were willing to ask.
8. Make Your Impact To Be Felt
How much have you given to your community? All of your material wealth is the reflection of your entire contribution to society. If you want to increase your lifestyle, find a way to increase your impact. Basically, your impact equals your income. The easier you make it for people, the better off we'll all be.

Contributing is a selfless endeavor. Moreover, your rewards may not always be immediate, which is why many people are hesitant to giving it their all. However, if you decide that you want to dedicate your life to helping others, you'll find unlimited rewards and satisfaction in doing so.

When you take care of others, others will take care of you.

Creating the life of your dreams is an enduring process. Along the way, you'll find that many people will help you. If you're willing to create a vision and work towards your goals, you'll find that your dream will become a reality!!

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