Secret of the elite class revealed

Saturday, 19 March 2016

5 Success Secrets Of Barack Obama

Success is some thing that is admired by all, but only few are willing to pay the price. For you to be successful in any endeavor, you must as a matter of necessity be willing to to do what successful people are doing. The following  are the success secrets revealed by Barack Obama
1. Identify your passion.

It is very important to know what you are passionate about in life. Doing things without passion will make life so boring and frustrating. Work filled with passion makes your life feel like heaven. You will easily achieve success in life if you have passion and determination in your life.Everybody has different talent and interests. It is important to know about your interest. It is important to do a variety of things in order to identify your passion. According to Obama, young men are mostly passionate about rap or the basketball. But is it not always necessary that everyone should have the same interests.  Do what you love and you will never have to work again.

2. Practice your passion

It is a very simple process that can be followed by any one.I order for you to achieve any worthwhile goal in life,  you must be ready to practice, practice and practice so as for you to achieve your dreams.This is a secret that every sports athletes are aware of. Trying to attain your goal by making efforts again and again is very important.

3. Never be self-centered.

It is very important to realize that you cannot achieve anything in your life alone. At some point or the other, you will definitely need the help of other people. This means that investing in your relationships is important. You can learn from your relationships how to support others, and find those who will be there for you in your difficult times.As Obama states, a person always needs to expand his or her network in order to connect with the right person at the right time.

4. Learn to ask questions.

Always try to ask questions. It will increase your knowledge and your self-confidence as well. If you keep sitting on your own and do not try to ask questions you have doubts upon, then you will lack in knowledge and will also lose confidence.If you ask questions, it will make you an independent decision maker and makes you appear self-confident. A person is not always right. He or she needs experience in order to decide what is wrong and what is right.

5. Avoid negative people

According to Obama, if you want to be successful in life, then it is very important to avoid the people who talk bad about you. When a person is young, then it’s fine to listen all the rubbish about you, but when you are a full grown man or woman, it is impossible to listen to the bad people.But as an educated man or woman, you need to act with maturity towards this and handle it easily by avoiding what others are thinking about you. You should just only think about yourself, what you are and what can you do.

These are some great insights shared with one of the most successful Presidents of America. Well, Obama did not reach where he is in a day’s time. Apply these success matrices and see what happens!

Thursday, 17 March 2016

8 Things successful people do first daily

While most of us struggle to get out of bed in the morning and hardly get time to eat breakfast, there is a whole spectrum of people who accomplish a lot in that time between waking up and getting out of the house for work.

Most of us even take time to get into the full flow of work after we enter our workplace.

For all the successful people, this strategy is just not acceptable. They do this day after day, month after month, year after year.

And when you actually look at the things they do, you can’t help but wonder how disciplined they really are –The fact remains that, successful people do things differently from unsuccessful ones. The following are the major things successful people do first daily.

1. They wake up early

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Successful people start their day very early. Most of them wake up before sunrise. Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple wakes up at 4.30 am every morning,Indra Nooyi, CEO of Pepsico wakes up at 4 am, and Disney CEO, Bob Iger wakes up at 4.30 am.

They know that time cannot be wasted in lazy morning routines and hence capitalize the morning, when they are as fresh as they can be.

Robin Sharma, motivational speaker urges everyone to join the 5AM Club, wherein you get up at 5 AM everyday to lead your day towards super-productivity.

2. They meditate in the silence of dawn

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Oprah Winfrey does it, and so does Narendra Modi. They meditate at the start of the day. This makes their mind much more centered and calmer for the day. Most of these people face enormous pressure and stress. They need to calm their mind so that they can handle all the stress efficiently and positively.

3. They exercise

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If you look at any of the successful people, none of them look diseased and fat and in vain. As they take care of their minds, they also take care of their bodies. After all, they all have ridiculously grueling work schedules.

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla works 14 hours every day. You need the bodily stamina to work 14 hours every day for years.

4. They eat a very nutritious breakfast

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They do not gorge on waffles with a generous helping of syrup and a milkshake on the side. Breakfasts are healthy and nutritious and are chosen so that they do not leave these people overfull and dull after eating.

You should feel content and energetic after a breakfast and many of these successful people eat very healthy breakfasts. For example, Richard Branson eats a fruit salad and a bowl of muesli in the morning. Muesli is a mix of oats, fruits, nuts, seeds, and milk. Healthy indeed!

5. They read newspapers

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This is their idea of chilling out in the morning – reading newspapers. Some watch the news and some listen to sports radio. It is a good way to keep abreast with everything that is happening in the world.

Fun fact – Warren Buffet reads6 newspapers before he goes to work.

6. They plan for the day using a to-do list

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They plan it all out and sometimes jot it down. This irons out all the hiccups we usually face, when we are suddenly faced with free time or a new task.

It is always better to be prepared.

7. They visualize how their day is going to turn out

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Visualizing success puts you in a positive state of mind. That’s what successful people do. They visualize their day to be efficient and smooth. Most of the days do not turn out to be efficient and smooth, but the mind is positive because you told it that it is going to be a good day.

A good, positive mind can take on any challenge that the day presents.

8. They prioritize everything they are going to do during the day

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You cannot give menial tasks the start of your day and then exhaust yourself with the hardest of the tasks at the end of the day. Successful people prioritize their tasks efficiently. That means doing the most important work at the start, when the energy levels are the highest.

This means that by the end of the day, when they are wrapping up their work, there isn’t any big task looming ahead of them. They literally have their priorities set right.

When you do all of the above, 90% of  your work is done. How? Because the plan is set and all you have to do is execute. We do not realize this, but the reason why we get tired during the day is because we do not plan ahead, or prioritize our work.

These are not exactly difficult things to do, to be honest.

If we really think about it, many of us stay up late in the night surfing and doing mundane things. This leads to lethargic mornings, which in turn leads to a not-so-productive days.

10 Rules to be a successful entrepreneur

Entrepreneurial success is not all about innovative thinking and breakthrough ideas.But what else does it take to succeed as an entrepreneur, and how should an entrepreneur define success?
The following are my top ten rules to be a successful entrepreneur..

1. You must be passionate .

That means you’re willing to sacrifice a large part of your waking hours to the idea you’ve come up with. Passion will ignite the same intensity in others who join you as you build a team to succeed in this endeavor. And with passion, both your team and your customers are more likely to truly believe in what you are trying to do.

2. You must focus on opportunities. 

This focus and intensity help eliminate wasted effort and distractions. Most companies die from indigestion rather than starvation, i.e., companies suffer from doing too many things at the same time rather than doing too few things very well. Stay focused on the mission.

3. Be ready to work hard work.

We all know that there is no such thing as overnight success. Behind every  success is years of hard work and sweat. People with luck will tell you there’s no easy way to achieve success--and that luck comes to those who work hard. Successful entrepreneurs always give 100% of their efforts to everything they do. If you know you are giving your best effort, you’ll never have any reason for regrets. Focus on things you can control; stay focused on your efforts, and let the results be what they will be.

4. Enjoy what you do

Everyone will teach you to focus on goals, but successful people focus on the journey and celebrate the milestones along the way. Is it worth spending a large part of your life trying to reach the destination if you didn’t enjoy the journey? Won’t the team you attract to join you on your mission also enjoy the journey more? Wouldn’t it be better for all of you to have the time of your life during the journey, even if the destination is never reached?

5. Trust your instinct. 

There are too many variables in the real world that you simply can’t put into a spreadsheet. Spreadsheets spit out results from your inexact assumptions and give you a false sense of security. In most cases, your heart and gut are still your best guide. The human brain works as a binary computer and can analyze only the exact information-based zeros and ones (or black and white). Our heart is more like a chemical computer that uses fuzzy logic to analyze information that can’t be easily defined in zeros and ones. We’ve all had experiences in business where our heart told us something was wrong while our brain was still trying to use logic to figure it all out. Sometimes a faint voice based on instinct resonates far more strongly than overpowering logic.

6. Be flexible but persistent. 

You have to continuously learn and adapt as new information becomes available. At the same time, you have to remain persistent to the cause and mission of your enterprise. That’s where that faint voice becomes so important, especially when it is giving you early warning signals that things are going off track. Successful entrepreneurs find the balance between listening to that voice and staying persistent in driving for success--because sometimes success is waiting right across from the transitional bump that’s disguised as failure.

7. Build a strong team

Everyone needs people who have complementary sets of skills. Entrepreneurs are an optimistic bunch, and it’s very hard for them to believe that they are not good at certain things. It takes a lot of soul searching to find your own core skills and strengths. After that, find the smartest people you can who complement your strengths. It’s easy to get attracted to people who are like you; the trick is to find people who are not like you but who are good at what they do--and what you can’t do.

8. Result oriented

Unless you are the smartest person on earth (and who is), it’s likely that many others have thought about doing the same thing you’re trying to do. Success doesn’t necessarily come from breakthrough innovation but from flawless execution. A great strategy alone won’t win a game or a battle; the win comes from basic blocking and tackling. All of us have seen entrepreneurs who waste too much time writing business plans and preparing PowerPoints. I believe that a business plan is too long if it’s more than one page. Besides, things never turn out exactly the way you envisioned them. No matter how much time you spend perfecting the plan, you still have to adapt according to the ground realities. You’re going to learn a lot more useful information from taking action rather than hypothesizing. Remember: Stay flexible, and adapt as new information becomes available.

9. Honesty and integrity.

These two qualities need to be at the core of everything we do. Everybody has a conscience, but too many people stop listening to it. There is always that faint voice that warns you when you are not being completely honest or even slightly off track from the path of integrity. Be sure to listen to that voice.

10. You must be generous

By the time you get to success, lots of people will have helped you along the way. You’ll learn, as I have, that you rarely get a chance to help the people who helped you, because in most cases, you don’t even know who they were. The only way to pay back the debts we owe is to help people we can help--and hope they will go on to help more people. When we are successful, we draw so much from the community and society that we live in that we should think in terms of how we can help others in return. Sometimes it’s just a matter of being kind to people. Other times, offering a sympathetic ear or a kind word is all that’s needed. It’s our responsibility to do “good” with the resources we have available.I personally believe the real metric of success isn’t the size of your bank account. It’s the number of lives in which you might be able to make a positive difference. This is the measure of success we need to apply while we are on our journey to success.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

8 Ways To Create Maximum Achievement

In this world, we have an abundance of opportunities that can give you the wealth, joy and satisfaction that you've been looking for. If you're looking to create the life of your dreams, you must be willing to do what most people aren't willing to do.

After hearing hundreds of personal stories this year, I've realized that there are many people who haven't  created the lifestyle of their choice. Many of them have the potential to make it happen, but they protect themselves with useless and unnecessary excuses. They want a glamorous lifestyle, but they are unwilling to pay the price.

Whatever your ideal lifestyle is, you can make it happen. Many have agreed that a life of happiness is all we want. It's true. Here are the 10 ways to create the life of your dreams:
1. Do What You Are Passionate About.
No matter who you are, the work you love is out there for you. If you're still looking for your passion, ask yourself "What would I be willing to do without payment for 6 months?" Your answer will astound you. If you know what it is, then do it well and find a way to make it your career.As long as you are still doing what you are doing because you want to heck out a living , am sorry to tell you that you will struggle for the rest of your life. You must be committed to what you do, not just because of the pay check but because of the inner joy and satisfaction you derive from doing it.
2. Define Your Future

Your ideal lifestyle is in direct proportion to the vision that you have of yourself in the future. Do you want a better lifestyle? You have to view it before you do it! What kind of vision do you have of your future? What are you willing to do today to make tomorrow a better day?

Many lifestyles have been built because of frustrations of the past. When Donald Trump was growing up, he was agonized by the way his father's style of business. His father was a fastidious man, but he was letting big real estate deals slip through the cracks (no pun intended). Because of this, Donald saw that he would not make his father's mistakes.
If you can see it, you can be it!
3. Persist Until You Succeed

Life is a test of patience. Everything we do requires patience. Some of our deepest desires will come as a result of our patience. Moreover, it's not always easy to wait. Oftentimes, we see others who seem to be getting results faster than we are. However, we should never compare our results to others.

What's been created for you will eventually come to you. Never worry about tomorrow or next year, but do what must be done today. If you have a clear vision of what will happen, stay encouraged and keep your faith. Without faith, nothing is possible. With faith, all things are possible. Believe in your dream and persist until you succeed.

Related: 8 Ways Practicing Patience Radically Increases Your Capacity for Success
4. An Expression Of Love

Love is the greatest motivational force on Earth. Nothing can happen without the power of love. Everyone is connected by love and no one can live without it. Think about the people you love in your life. Do you realize how much they impact you? Do you realize how much you impact them?

The only way to know is to think about how your funeral would look. Imagine hearing your eulogy and seeing all the people that would attend your ceremony. It's more than you would think! If you take this perspective and live every day as if it mattered, you'd live your life as if you'd have everything to gain and nothing to lose!
5. Stay humble.

Being humble is one of the greatest virtues of creating an ideal lifestyle. A life of humility means that you're connected to who you are, what you're about, and where you're going. By doing this, you'll always be able to show others that you care about their feelings.

However, humility is NOT modesty. Many people reject generous favors because they think that they are too undeserving. Humble people know how to receive just as much as they know how to give. In fact, the only way you can give is by receiving. Those who are humble know how to both give and receive.

Those who honor themselves will be humbled. Those who humble themselves will be honored.
6. Speak Up: Don't Be Intimidated
There are many times where we need to speak up. Many of us are belittled when we know we should speak out on our feelings. We need to articulate our thoughts and make sure our voice is heard. Without speaking up, we can resort to anger and pain, which deteriorates our peace of mind.

The next time you find yourself in a dilemma with another person, speak up. Without being rude, tactfully let this person know that you deserve respect. Sharing your thoughts and feelings will allow them to change their behaviors. Say what you believe and believe in what you say. Let your words make an impact.

Related: Why You Should Make Time to Speak Up for Your Business

7.  Don't Be Afraid To Ask For Help

Your life would be so much easier if you asked people for help. Some weeks back,  a corporate executive was made the CEO of his company .  His promotion wasn't his competency, but it was in his ability to ask his team for help. Asking his people for help changed his life.

What are you doing today that could be done by others? If you're missing the mark in any area of your life, it's probably because you haven't been asking for any help. It's time to face the truth and ask those around you for some favors. You'll find that they'll be willing to help you more than you were willing to ask.
8. Make Your Impact To Be Felt
How much have you given to your community? All of your material wealth is the reflection of your entire contribution to society. If you want to increase your lifestyle, find a way to increase your impact. Basically, your impact equals your income. The easier you make it for people, the better off we'll all be.

Contributing is a selfless endeavor. Moreover, your rewards may not always be immediate, which is why many people are hesitant to giving it their all. However, if you decide that you want to dedicate your life to helping others, you'll find unlimited rewards and satisfaction in doing so.

When you take care of others, others will take care of you.

Creating the life of your dreams is an enduring process. Along the way, you'll find that many people will help you. If you're willing to create a vision and work towards your goals, you'll find that your dream will become a reality!!

Monday, 7 March 2016

10 Amazing Success Secrets Of Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill  is being considered by many to be one of the great writers on success.  His classic work, “Think and Grow Rich,” is one of the best-selling books of all time.I recommend you to read it and it definitely change your life forever.
Andrew Carnegie, the industrialist and one of the most powerful men in the world in Hill’s day, believed that success could be explained by a simple formula (although Carnegie wasn’t sure what that formula was). 

One day Andrew Carnegie was interviewed by Napoleon Hill; Carnegie was so impressed with Hill that he asked him to interview (or analyze) the lives of more than 500  men and women who were considered the most powerful and richest at that time in order to discover the secret formula to success.  Hill accepted the assignment; this would eventually be the turning point in Hill’s life.

As part of his research, Hill interviewed many of the most famous people of the time, including Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, George Eastman, Henry Ford, Elmer Gates, John D. Rockefeller, Sr., Charles M. Schwab, F.W. Woolworth, William Wrigley Jr., John Wanamaker, William Jennings Bryan, Theodore Roosevelt, William H. Taft and Jennings Randolph.

The results from this assignment yielded one of the greatest success workbooks ever written, it was called “The Law of Success in 16 lessons.But this  work didn't go down well with the most powerful of that time ,as it practically opens up the secret of accumulating riches , it was withdrawn.

In the “Law of Success” workbook, Hill taught how success occurs, as well as the formulas behind success.  Hill made success quite simple for the average “Joe” to understand.

After the completion of the “Law of Success assignment,” Hill went on to have tremendous success personally, writing “Think and Grow Rich,” and eventually becoming the person we consider the father of modern self development.

“What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve” is one of Hill’s most famous sayings. 

10 Powerful Prosperity Lessons from Napoleon Hill

1. The Imagination is Powerful

“All the breaks you need in life wait within your imagination; Imagination is the workshop of your mind, capable of turning mind energy into accomplishment and wealth.”

You need not sit around waiting for your big break.  In between your ears lie all the power you will ever need.  Are you using it?  Are you using the priceless gift of your imagination to create the life of your dreams? 

Do you ponder on your visions both night and day?  Napoleon Hill said, “Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.”

2. Repetition of Thought is Required

“Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.”

The best way to plant an idea into your mind is through repetition of thought.  The best way to create repetition of thought is to repeatedly say the thought you want planted in your mind. 

You are the door keeper of your mind, don’t let the media plant thoughts into your mind, don’t let day time television plant thoughts into your mind, there’s no telling what that harvest will yield.  You take responsibility for your mind, and you plant the thoughts that you desire to see manifested, based on your dreams and desires.

3. Hard Work is Mandatory

“Big pay and little responsibility are circumstances seldom found together.”

Napoleon Hill said, “Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness.”  Everybody wants something for nothing, but unfortunately life doesn’t work that way.  Great achievement requires great labor and great sacrifice. 

But I will say this, in the long-term, the price of success is less than the price of failure, in the end it will cost you less to succeed.  If you suffer now, you can reign later.

4. A Plan Is Necessary

“Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action.

As I like to say, “If you don’t have a plan, you will fail, and you can quote me.”  You need a definite plan, it should be written down, and it should dictate, with military precision, the moves that you will be taking.  Napoleon Hill said, “First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality.”

5. You Have to Make a Move

“It is always your next move.

Quit waiting and start moving, it’s your move!  And then after you make that move; it’s your move again, and again, and again.  The ball is always in your court, get into action and stay into action until you arrive at your intended destination.

6. Never Let Failure Discourage You

Edison failed 10,000 times before he made the electric light. Do not be discouraged if you fail a few times.

If at first you don’t succeed, then please don’t be surprised.  If Edison failed 10,000 times, no offense, but you will probably have your own set of failures as well.  But be of good cheer, those who have achieved greatness have usually failed greatly as well.

7. Defeat is a Sign

“When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal.

Everything sends a message, if you are failing, then that’s a “message” that your current plan isn’t working very well.  No need to give up; just adjust your plan.  Use “messages,” to make adjustments.  Keep on making adjustments until your plan produces the results you desire.

8. Ideas Are How You Manifest Prosperity

“Just as our eyes need light in order to see, our minds need ideas in order to conceive.

Randy Gage said, “You don’t have a money shortage, you have an idea shortage.”  He said, “Ideas my friend, are how you manifest prosperity in the physical world.”  If you are to give birth to wealth, you must first become pregnant from an idea.  You “need ideas in order to conceive.”

9. You Must Have a Definite Purpose

“There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it.

You must know what you want, and you must have a burning desire to get it.  That’s pretty simple!  Do you know what you want?  Do you know “exactly” what you want?  Do you have a “burning” desire to get it?  …Not do you “kinda” want it, …not it would be nice to have.  Do you have a “white hot burning desire” to possess it? 

That’s what you need to have, and here’s how you get it.  Hill said, “Hold a picture of yourself long and steadily enough in your mind’s eye and you will be drawn toward it.”

10. The law of Autosuggestion


“Your ability to use the principle of autosuggestion will depend, very largely, upon your capacity to concentrate upon a given desire until that desire becomes a burning obsession.


Autosuggestion is the process of suggesting thoughts to yourself.  The word “autosuggestion” should be part of your everyday vocabulary.  As we mentioned earlier, the best way to make suggestions to yourself is to “say” what you want to suggest to your subconscious.

You have “superhuman powers,” make sure you use them!

This concludes this article on “10 Powerful and amazing secrets from Napoleon Hill,” be sure to bookmark this page, and refer to it as necessary.

If you’ve enjoyed reading this article please kindly drop a comment.Thanks, see you at the top.

Friday, 4 March 2016

7 Ways To Achieve Your Goals

When ever you are out to achieve any meaningful endevour , you will definitely meet  skepticism and criticism from those closest to you. You will be faced with questions like;  

“How are you going to save for retirement? I heard that 8 out of 10 businesses fail. This is temporary, right? Until you get a real job?”

Every comment from those well-meaning people eroded the confidence and motivation you may have amassed after countless hours of research and preparation.You will be made to feel as though you were paddling upstream in a raging river—and no one was there to lend a hand. In order for you to avoid the aforementioned pitfalls, the following advice can be of help.

1. Define Your Purpose

Clearly state what you want to accomplish and why. To stay motivated, your reasons must match your core values and passion. Then, write down your mission and post it near your computer where you will be able to see it during the tough times.

“A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.” Mahatma Gandhi

2. Don’t justify your goal

The more you try to explain why you were pursuing your goal, the less confident you become about your ability to succeed, and the more your motivation suffer.

You’re not obligated to explain or justify your goal. Focus on how to achieve what you desire rather than on how to get external approval to pursue your mission.

3. Don’t reveal too much too soon

Don't be carried away by the excitement of  your new venture that you couldn’t resist sharing the good news with those around you.Instead of receiving encouragement, you will often received criticism.

The reality is that many people in your life will find fault with your goal, will warn you to “be careful,” or will share a story of someone who failed when trying to achieve a similar goal.

That’s a sure way to kill your motivation, especially when it hasn’t gathered enough positive momentum to withstand criticism.

In the beginning stages of your project, it’s best to write your ultimate goal in a private journal and keep your ideas to yourself. Let your confidence and motivation build up before you share the news.

4. Connect With Like-minded People

 Think about it.  If you surround yourself with people who are driven to succeed, who are passionate about what they do, and highly energetic then that, in itself, is contagious.  Passion and energy and intertwined.They work together to breed success.  Hanging out with successful people breeds success.  As we are constantly told as children – “practice makes perfect”.  The more you talk positively, the more you imagine and discuss options, the more you brainstorm and believe in the possible, the more likely you are to achieve.   And guess what, in my experience successful people like helping others achieve.  In fact, you are likely to reach your next level of success at a faster rate by surrounding yourself with like-minded people and having the consequent positive the company of those are  most likely to support you. Attend networking meetings, join a mastermind group or connect with a mentor. Create a strong support network to tap into during your journey.

5. Spend time in solitude

As important as it was for you to meet new people, you will find the answers to your biggest questions when you  remove yourself from the noise and spent time alone.

You don’t need to escape to a deserted island for a week. Even an hour away from technology and other people will allow you to achieve the peaceful state of mind you need to create a winning strategy. You’ll feel more motivated to go on when you become confident about your plan of action.

“The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.” – Albert Einstein

6. Find Those Who Have Succeeded In Your  Field And Learn From Them.

The best antidote for the doomsday scenarios the critics describe to you is a story of triumph.

Find the top five players in your industry and follow  their footsteps.  sign up for their training programs and model what they had done in their business. place your attention on the amazing results they have achieved. They can become one of your main sources of motivation.

Today, make a list of 5 to 10 people who have achieved a similar goal to yours, and learn from them. Just like you, they were probably bombarded with criticism. But they made it, and so can you!

7. Celebrate small successes

You need to create a log of small wins, which must be updated at regular intervals.  kept track of new software applications you just learned, people you recently  connected with, and training modules you just completed. Even cleaning of inbox can make it to the list!

When your confidence and motivation is being threatened, you need to realize how much you had already accomplished. That would become an instant motivation booster.

Keep track of your accomplishments—even those that seem insignificant. A small win might end up having a big impact on your success.

Criticism is one of the major motivation killers, but if you’re prepared, you won’t be a victim of the critics. Stay focused on the end goal and find joy in every step of the journey!

Wednesday, 2 March 2016


Businesses all over the world are looking for proactive ways to boost their productivity base, in order to  be stategically positioned in the workplace of today.Also as individuals,for you to succeed in this present dispensation, you need to apply techniques that can help you achieve great results by doing less than you need to. On that note,I would love to share just a few of those techniques. Hopefully, they will help you achieve the best possible results ,within the shortest possible time.

RECOMMENDED READING:Productivity Vs. Productivity Tools – Do The Latter Really Work?

1. The 80/20 Rule

The Pareto principle, is also known as the 80/20 rule. It states that: to receive 80% of the results obtained in the work, the average person takes about 20 % of the total time spent. This conditional 80/20 statistic operates in all areas of life. For example, it is said that 20% of criminals commit 80% of crimes, and that 20% of drivers are guilty in 80% of the accidents they’re involved in.

If you know how to use the Pareto principle properly, it can be helpful not only in your professional life, but also in your everyday life. It’s like a little trick which forecasts an expected result. For example, if you are a sociable person then you would probablyhave a lot of friends. Think of how many of these people really help you in certain situations. In fact, it’s probably just 20% of those people. It is worthwhile to consider this percentage and give the right people the proper attention, instead of focusing on virtual friends.

How To Use This

If one follows the Pareto principle, it’s better to do all the useless things when your productivity is low. For example, some people come to work in the morning and can’t immediately get to work right away. They need some time to prepare for the job, talk to colleagues, drink their coffee, and other things that help them settle in.

Only then can they start working productively. It’s important to be able toprioritize your tasks. You need todetermine your most productive time for important cases and decisions.

READ ALSO:How To Condition Your Mind For Higher Productivity

2. Concentrate On The Three Most Important Task Daily

At this day and age, people still rely on to-do lists to keep things organized. Sure, we have evolved from using paper to utilizing computers and smartphones but whatever tools used would be powerless without action. In this case, all you need is one simple rule: every morning take a few minutes to think and write down the three most important tasks for the day.

And then focus your efforts on the implementation of this short list. Who needs these countless endless lists of tasks which you won’t be able finish in a week, let alone in a day? Focus on these three main tasks, and after they’re done, you can go ahead and do something else. This simple but powerful habit can really increase your productivity in a short period of time.

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3. Apply The 'Do Less' Approach.

In the world of coaching today, the ‘doing less’ philosophy has become quite popular. Different theorists offer different approaches. One of them is based on the mystical practices of Zen Buddhism, described by Mark Lesser in his book “Less: Accomplishing More by Doing Less“.

His manifesto “Less” starts with dispelling the belief that reducing the load makes us lazy and is bad for productivity. By doing less, we actually allow ourselves to fully enjoy our achievements. The author recommends taking some time for meditation and “quieting the mind” in the middle of the working process.

You can perhaps even align your breathing in between reading and sending emails. It would help you to relieve stress and focus on a particular subject leading you to find the perfect balance. All of this can assist you in figuring out which activities are really important, and which are not worth your attention at all.

Therefore, you should prioritize tasks. Start doing the most important ones first, and after they’re done come to the low-priority ones. Just don’t overload yourself with lots of tasks. It’s better to do less and high-quality tasks that you will enjoyrather than doing lots of things half-heartedly.

4. The Truth About Multitasking

Multitasking does not make us more productive, it’s one of the biggest myth these days. In fact, the division of our attention has a negative impact on productivity, concentration and energy.

“For tasks that are at all complicated, no matter how good you have become at multitasking, you’re still going to suffer hits against your performance. You will be worse compared to if you were actually concentrating from start to finish on the task,” says David Meyer, a scientist from the University of Michigan.

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Multitasking could be possible in just two cases. First is when you’re doing something that is somehow automatic, for instance, walking and talking at the same time. Walking is an automatic activity that doesn’t need you to focus or think whereas talking requires the use of your brain.

The other situation when multitasking is possible is when it involves different kinds of brain proccessing, for example, reading and listening classical music. But if the music contains some lyrics in it, it would be impossible to do these two tasks at once, because both of them activate the language center of the brain.

Thus, if you want to be more productive then learn how to do one thing at a timeand stay focused only on that one particular thing.
5.Free Yourself From Information Overload.

These days, getting overloaded with information is as easy as getting a heat stroke in the middle of the Sahara. And even the symptoms are similar: sleep disturbance, distracted attention, and deferred reaction.Our brain is overloaded with all the noise that the information brings.
In this case Timothy Ferriss, the author of the book “The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich” recommends taking a “low-information diet”. Do you really need to go through all the emails, blogs, newspapers, and magazines that you read every day? Do you really need to spend so much time looking through your Facebook news feed or watching TV?

Give it a try and cut out as much useless information as you can, for at least a week, and see how it can help your productivity.

7. Living On Schedule

Ask any successful person when he or she wakes up and it’s likely that they are an early riser. It’s quite simple: there aren’t a lot of distractions in the morning, which helps a person focus on the main priorities.Waking up early in the morning is one of the factors of living on schedule.

During the day, there is time to rest and there is time to work. There are strict boundaries present and understanding this helps you to stay productive. Start with trying to leave the computer at the appointed time, as you need to rest to be productive.

It’s better to live on schedule than without it.

Parkinson’s Law states that “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion” which means that if you needs to write a letter for a week, it will take a week to write the letter. People tend to procrastinate and play for as long as they can. But strict deadlines for each task you get will put you on the right track to meeting the deadlines perfectly. Having a deadline that you’re afraid of missing is great motivation.

Be The Hero You Were Meant To Be.

This world is your best teacher. There is a lesson in everything. There is a lesson in each experience. Learn it and become wise. Every failure is a stepping stone to success. Every difficulty or disappointment is a trial of your faith. Every unpleasant incident or temptation is a test of your inner strength. Therefore , march forward as the Hero you were meant to be...wish you abundance of strength and breakthrough through out the week and beyond....